
Open Your Mind &

Embrace Joy

Sameera Kamulkar

Healer, Coach & Lightworker


Sameera Kamulkar

Sameera Kamulkar is a Contemporary Mindfulness Practitioner, Teacher and Healer. She is the Creator of “The Power of Joy” & “The Miracle of Mindfulness” Workshop Series. She Co-Founded ‘Chitta’, a Bach Flower Remedies Brand. She is a Holistic Tarot Therapist & Bach Flower Remedies Teacher.

Atma bodha Collective

Atma Bodha Collective is a vibrant community blending timeless wisdom and modern insights to foster inner growth and lasting fulfillment. Join us on a transformative journey as we celebrate interconnectedness, spread happiness, and manifest abundance.

What i do

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a type of vibrational medicine, designed to provide a safe and gentle system of healing.

Bach Remedies Courses

Bach Flower Remedies, Energy Healing and the Role of Emotions. You will learn how to diagnose and prescribe appropriate remedies.

The Miracle of Mindfulness

A simple but powerful program based on mindfulness which will allow you to stay balanced, grounded and find joy in the chaos of the current dynamic environment.

Full Moon Meditation

The Full Moon is the perfect time each month, to pause, and to take inventory of your progress within the present moment.

The Power of Joy

In this program, you will learn about the science of happiness and how you can come up with concrete, research-based strategies

Tarot Therapy

Do you feel lost or unsure of where you headed? Have you hit roadblocks? Are you wrestling with relationship dilemmas or a career dead-end?

Ready Composites

Bach Flower Remedies

Chitta for Pawpals – Holistic Bach Flower Remedies for All Animals


Experience the power of nature with Chitta for Pawpals, a collection of three Bach Flower Remedies designed to support your animal companions’ emotional well-being. These remedies help promote balance and harmony in animals of all shapes and sizes.


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